Sunday, January 31, 2010

She's Here!

Reece Emerson Jones arrived January 27th at 12:24pm. She weighed 7lbs 15oz, and is 20 1/4 inches long. I had a very short labor and only pushed 3-4 times. Somehow though Reece's left clavicle was broken and we are having to deal with that. Other than that everything went great! She is absolutely beautiful and looks like a miniature Bailey. She is sleeping anywhere from 3-4 hours in between feedings and seems to be an easy baby thus far. We left the hospital after 24hours so that we could make sure to avoid getting stuck in the hospital because of the weather. We stayed the first night at my Mom's just in case we lost power. They are on city water and would at least have water where we would not. The snow and ice are beautiful but I would have rather skipped it all. Bailey is in love with Reece and says often "I hold that baby". It has been difficult though because she has a fresh cold and is sneezing and coughing all over the place. So, we are stuck between whether to tell her to stay away from the baby or to just let be. Soooo frustrating. We had her well baby visit today and she now weighs 7lbs 5oz, a whole pound lighter than Bailey when she was born and man what a difference it makes. She feels so light. Paul has become super Dad and I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. He was wonderfully supportive during labor and is doing so much around the house to keep everything in order and everyone happy. We are loving being the parents of two and can't wait to see all the adventure it may bring. We hope to see everyone soon!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Well tommorrow is the day I go in for the induction. We have to be there at 6:30a.m. I only hope I can sleep tonight. We dropped Bailey off at her Mim and Pop's this evening and hopefully she will sleep for them too. We are all so excited, and can't believe that after tommorrow we are going to be four instead of just three. Please pray that everything goes smoothly and that the winter weather coming in won't be as bad as predicted. I will try very hard to post a picture on the blog tomorrow if things are not too hectic and the labor isn't too long. Lots of love.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's getting closer!

Well I saw the Dr. on Tuesday and she said I was still dilated to a 3, but she says that I will be ready for induction on the 27th. We are getting so excited and pretty much have everything ready to go. I have been having lots of contractions and some that are pretty uncomfortable, but no labor! Bailey is very excited!Her Mim told her the other day that we were going to get Baby Reece in a few days, and now everytime we get out of the car or when she wakes up she says "Get baby?" This morning while cuddling with me in bed she hugged my tummy and said "baby Beece come out!" and then gave my ever growing bump a kiss. She is soooooo sweet! She is trying to be very independent right now and frequently says "I do it all myself!" The most difficult thing is having enough patience to let her do it by herself. I will continue to update if anything new or exciting happens. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Making progress!

I was at the Dr. again today and I am now dilated to 3cm, 75-80% effaced, and -1 station. Whoo hoo! Dr. Anderson said that I might not make it to my induction date but I don't think I will be that lucky! Bailey is definitely feeling that it is getting close. Today she said "Baby Reece comin to town". This is funny because for the last two months she has been talking about "Key Claus comin to town". When I arrived home from my appointment today she said "Baby Reece comin soon". She crawled up in the rocking chair in Reece's room yesterday while I was organizing and told me in Bailey language that she was going to "rock, feed milk, read book, and go night night Baby Reece". She seems so excited, I just hope it lasts. We will soon see.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dr. Visit

I went to the Dr. yesterday for the first of my weekly OB visits. The Dr. checked my cervix and said that I was dilated to 2cm and 75% effaced. Yeah! Reece is due February 5th but we are scheduled to induce on January 27th. So only 19 days left to go! I have been feeling really good and staying active. We all all so excited to meet this new baby girl. I have been trying to tie up all the loose ends and making sure everything is ready for when she arrives. Sara Wilson of Eden Wilson photography is going to photograph the birth and we are very excited about this too! Stay tuned and we will update the blog as things progress.
