Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bailey's 3rd Birthday Princess Party! (and other stuff too.)

Well obviously having two kids cuts down on the amount of time I have to update this blog. Sorry it has been so long! We had Bailey's 3rd birthday this last weekend and what a whirlwind it was. It was tiring but oh so worth the smile on her face. Mimmy made her and Reece princess dresses for the party (that will also double as their Halloween costumes). Pops and Mimmy spent two days building a wood and cardboard princess castle that took up almost half of the upstairs for all the little princesses to play in during the party. It was the hit of the party, and Bailey's favorite part! I decided to be super-mom and made a princess castle cake. It turned out alright, but I am not sure it was worth all the stress it caused. Bailey looked absolutely adorable in her princess Cinderella dress, and I have to say she looked so grown up it made me kind of sad. Three years have gone by so fast, it seems like yesterday I was holding her in the hospital thinking how lucky I was to have such a precious little girl.
Now, I have two. Bailey is like a little adult in a three year old body. If I could remember half of the funny things she says and write them down, I would have a very good book. She is now attending Cochran Music Preschool twice a week from 8:30am to 11:30am, and she loves it! The days that she doesn't go she asks "Do I go to school today?" It is so fun to watch her learn, and it always amazes me how fast she picks up on things. Reece is a powerhouse. She started a strange form of crawling at 6 1/2 months, pulling up at 7 months, and crawling normally just a week later. Now she is cruising around the furniture and practices up and down, over and over and over. Bailey couldn't wait for her to crawl, but now she isn't so sure. Reece loves to play with anything that is Bailey's of course, and we will often find Reece in Bailey's room playing all by herself. She has been a entirely different baby ever since we started supplementing her with formula. She went from being whiny most of the time, to being whiny only when she is hungry or sleepy. I am so thankful that she is happy most of the time now! The hardest thing now, is probably getting her to eat her solids. Bailey would eat almost anything you put in her mouth, but Reece is completely against anything that isn't fruit. It has gotten better and we are tricking her into eating her vegetables and meats. She has perfected "locked lips", which is somewhere between funny and frustrating. Well that's all I have for now, I will try not to wait so long to write again.


  1. We love them! They are growing up so fast!! We wish we saw them every day!!

    Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ashley

  2. That castle, cake and those dresses are awesome! You guys did a wonderful job and Bailey looks like she had a blast!

